Amazing work everyone! This looked epic! (Wish I could have participated)
Amazing work everyone! This looked epic! (Wish I could have participated)
You should check the calendar for More cool collabs :)
So she’s taller in the newer design. Interesting. Never knew that, they both looked the same size
MF the old chillzo was 5'4
Maybe he’ll now notice lol!
He's seen it before on my Instagram lol. I just posted it here, because why not. Either way thanks dude.^ ^
Hey! I thought you said you didn’t have any fanart before me!? XD
That is gift I made for Kotico in thanks for him helping me create a comic we worked on together. I am going to make something for you as well.
Epic art! Good wrk!
Thank yah good sir!
Well, if we were gonna get technical, there’s a good chance that it’s not actually wifecat who’s been banned from this place.
If you look at the shape of her eyes, they are a circle on the poster, and quadrilateral out of the poster. With this info, we can actually assume this is a similar, but not the same person.
"hello internet and welcome to newgrounds theory. I'm your host creeperforce, and today we'll be discussing the whimsical-wife doppelganger theory"
Batter up!
It’s a stone Luigi
You didn't make it.
Your name is a great pun, I followed you for it…
Oh yeah, arts cool too I guess (joke, it’s awesome keep it up)
I'm glad you enjoy my name!! 💖
And thank you so much for the lovely comment!! Or noooot~ >w>
I love it! I usually don’t prefer hands like a humans, I prefer my natural blocky hands lol, but that’s ok! I still appreciate the fanart!
I love how you’re still alive too! Take as long as a break you need…but do me a favor
Don’t give up ;3
I thought of drawing the blocky hands but I couldn't make gestures with them ;_;
Thank you so much, I'm not planning on giving up! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22