Umm, did you make these or do I need to report you for using real images?
Umm, did you make these or do I need to report you for using real images?
The model was by Majorkill minis. I did not make them, like most of what I have here I bought and/or printed them. What you see is my paint job of them. Same as anyone else who painted miniatures on this site.
I followed you on pixelart
Also, how did you find me in the first place, music, art?
thew a person I know and thank you
Fan of pixel art I see
Do you have an account on the website Pixelart?
I think I know what youre talking about then yes but I don't use it often, I mostly just post on here.(~‾▿‾)~
Diamond man glow up
But thanks for being my 60th fan, is there anything I can do as a thanks, a track for your animation perhaps? Fanart? Anything reasonable
Edit: I’ll try my best
Maybe my Pfp would be nice, it’s very simple :D
So you think there will be a country called brittany soon?
idk its just a fun series for fictional fun
Oh, I see lol, thank you, screw my last response
Edit: I do wonder why, but that was till you pointed it out, I’m flattered
i edited this now the 3 people that are here wont know why Creeperfore24 has in edit in that ^ comment
Yo, I like this!
Also, I hate to beg, but can you please check my latest track entrance? I want reviews and advice, or atleast someone telling me something’s wrong
alright im on it
Sorry about bragging earlier, it’s just I’m so excited for when I get to 60 then 70 then 80, I’m sorry again
It's fine! I dont really care! Well i care about you almost hitting 60 but. Yeah. It's fine
Ah yes, the wonderful world of imagination .
I like people with this kind of imagination, I’m surprised you had no idea what a .exe game was since you have this creepy as it looks art, but that’s just me, I love creepy art, Good job mate.
Thanks! I'm kinda fond of horror movies and weird stuff though XD
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22