i didn’t even deserve 100 yet you gave me double that number… thank you all so much! I am absolutely astounded we reached 200 in like, less then half a year! Even though it took me 2 years to reach 100! Thank you all again, personally, I’m too impatient to wait till the end of the year to do a recap, so why not do it now! (Gets banned by God) oh… that’s why.
2023 - Early 2024 Recap!
Easter egg collab (though they didn’t put me actually in the picture, just my logo):
The Lucky collab:
The Sandwich collab:
The Pokémon Mystery Meat collab:
The Valentines Day collab:
The Newgrounds Mall collab:
Until The Sun Rises (Ft LKGaming421):
Spring-Time Chiptunes (Ft Belastet):
I absolutely loved doing all these collabs, and credit to the people who did them! They deserve attention!
Im being put in a game and more projects!
A user by the name of @PieNotPi is putting me in his game, albeit not being finished yet, so, thanks bro for liking music I make!
As well as this, a user by the name of @Chillzozen wanted me to make a theme for her OC chillzo!
Great Thanks to @LKGaming421 for letting me make his profile!
And a huge thanks to @Rosarjc for making some fanart of Chase From Cosmic Fortress!
I was followed by the God of Music
Yes, this moment meant THAT much, that it had to be featured here.
@Waterflame the very reason I’m here, I sometimes like to call him The Gateway to something amazing! Thanks again king!🙏
WorldSound Begins!
Worldsound is a small group of friends that collaborate on projects… that’s it, what you thought it was some supercompany!? Hell naw I’m too broke! But, we have made some pretty awesome songs! Including our proudest one/most recent one Chase from Cosmic Fortress (Ft @Charlmot)
Thanks to the entire crew for getting me here! Love you guys!
@Wilidacious @Noskynkgyesk @ScepterDPinoy
Started the CF24 YouTube Channel and SoundCloud!
Oh yeah! The SoundCloud and YouTube channel! I will only be posting albums to SoundCloud, but you will be able to find so much more on the Youtube channel!
Youtube!: https://m.youtube.com/@Creeperforce609
SoundCloud!: https://on.soundcloud.com/vKgeQMXzXzgyrakG8
OH YEAH! Shoutouts!!!!
I love all my fans, but theres some who I’m inspired, and just look up to, as well as people with tremendous talent that deserve more!
@WaterFlame, (Everyone: SHUT THE FU) ok, but seriously, this man’s a freaking legend! I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for him!!
@G2961, Uploads almost daily and is just a good friend in general!
@Quarl, I started using equalizers and levelers cause of her, there actually really important along with compressors!
@Johassa, Makes awesome songs! Yet is just too underrated! Give him some love man!
@Preds, Vulkansphere and Observer, need I say else?
@Hyenaedon, Can be able to predict my next collaboration (;
@TheGarbager619, Makes some pretty good art, he’s quite talented!
@Rosarjc, possibly the most frequent fan so far! Thanks for your support!
@X-500, Also known as ZdikZdik, he’s the person who scouted me! Before I got unscouted… but that leads us to!
@50Steaks and @Pingu, yes, pingu ain’t a fan, but they gave me a second chance, and then 50steaks scouted me again! Thanks bro!
@TaintedLogic, gives some pretty good advice, also, he misspelled something in his description, it should say number 1 reviewer, not number 2 (yea, he no fan either, but he still deserves credit!)
But most of all… you…
The people in the link below are the coolest people I’ve ever met! They are absolutely amazing! And you should check them out!
Thank you all for everything! Love every single one!
Thank you art (it’s shit I’m sorry)
wait… there’s more? THATS RIGHT!
CF24’s fans unlocked a new genre! SYNTHWAVE!!
Music you must check out!:
Love you alllllll