I’m just gonna admit it… as hard as I try it doesn’t matter in the first place because my samples are fucking SHIT!
The orchestral samples I use are shit, the electronic samples are shit, everything I use is shit because I’m a broke teen with nothing more than some headphones and a few mobile devices. And I just want to say sorry for my low quality music.
I might also quit NGMC because of this (key word: MIGHT) cause I finally realized thanks to @3manonmusic and @Arponax my samples… they just suck. I had a little bit of a hint as to why I may be shit at music from @ChronoNomad after he gave me some critique on Wildflowers 2, but now it’s official.
I also want to thank @AED4 for making this competition because without it I would’ve continued to be unaware of why my music never gets frontpaged… now I have an answer.
Im actually kinda shocked that I’ve made it to 550 fans with the samples I’ve used, it’s starting to appear that maybe something else is behind the scenes.
I always try my best, that is something I can promise, but I’m sorry that my “best” is so low quality. Maybe @Overscore was right, people don’t follow me for my music, they follow me cause of who I am… I find this both wholesome and depressing… is there a word for it
And no, I’m not quitting, some weirdos actually like my music XD, but in terms of quality, I’m not good… at all XD. But to those who genuinely anticipate and can’t wait for the stuff I make, Thank you for everything, I wouldn’t go on without you people.
you alright, bro? It's nothing to be ashamed of if your samples are low quality because you can't afford it. Don't be disencouraged by that, or my words, which were just meant as feedback, but just follow on with your passion of making music :/
Creeperforce24 (Updated )
I will, trust me, I will.
It’s just I hate the fact that I can’t get any recognition with these samples XD
I’m not discouraged by your words… at least not now, I just want to give my audience the best, too bad they’re stuck with me. Something about me is that I speak my mind, that’s why I made this, I just wanted to say sorry most of all. Thank you for the review, it will help :)