“Hey orange!” - Famous last words before annoying orange was mangled to death by an unknown entity
“Hey orange!” - Famous last words before annoying orange was mangled to death by an unknown entity
This is quality at its finest! You’re like the only person who actually makes me look good with normal hands, who knows, maybe they are mechanical, and not real lol!
I also like the way Cassy looks! She looks like Meiss trying to disguise herself as a cat… wait a minute…
Edit: I didnt think she was, it’s just their designs other than the snouts are similar, that’s all. Is cassy in any other of your comics?
Cassy is not Meiss, there's the proof:
Edit, Yes and not, I'm thinking in a short E-rated comic, where she is the protagonist.
You even put out a stand for it! That’s amazing!
This looks awesome! You put some extreme work into this, I can tell!
Good job! Hopes to more comics soon!
Thanks! I wanted to do something nice for the winners, so I went all out! And no worries, I got more comics coming soon 💖
This looks awesome! I found you via @kittyhawkmontrose after she checked out some of the music I make! Mainly the little show comic thing, but either way, I found you, you have been gifted a follow!
Aw cheers. :) I don't log in that often so sorry if my replies and uploads are pretty slow but hey welcome \o/
“Give it everything you got! My body is ready! Woo” - Prof. Kukui
If you know you know
i do know
I’d put this a T, since drunkardness isn’t the worse thing ever.
Also lol
lololo yeah
Got a bit of a chuckle out of this lol
I love the shading!
Pain? Aren’t you a ghost?
Pain is subjective, obviously :))))
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22