Cute drawing, they got more game then what I’ll ever have
Cute drawing, they got more game then what I’ll ever have
Me: bruh
Ralph: bruh
Me&ralph: (dabs each other up)
Its funny, because I have a drip version of him. XD
Ummm, what’s the meme war?
Also I like the background!
idk really but looks like the various world regions of the internet had been discussing who were the best at making memes. people said that brazil won but i dont believe it
When ur pants are fancy
A fight to the death is in order
The epic fight that will decide who's the angriest nerd
How it feels to sniff 70 pounds of cocaine while already taking acid
He done got the DRIPI
Looks awesome! Sol by Preds was also a good song!
Epic stuff mate! @olskoo best mod!
Nice work, funneh :3
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22