I absolutely find it funny that when your in the featured section there’s mainly E rated stuff, but in the latest section there’s M rated stuff filling 45% of the portal, but then you find something like this lol!
I absolutely find it funny that when your in the featured section there’s mainly E rated stuff, but in the latest section there’s M rated stuff filling 45% of the portal, but then you find something like this lol!
It’s very interesting what gets featured or not.
“If your having a hard time, use a gun, if that doesn’t work, use more gun” - Engineer
I don’t know why, but something fishy is up, as if there was too much “Coral”Lation in this picture.
Okay, you're o"fish"ally out of line there, buddy.
Do not be tricked by its appearance, it has committed mass genocide within 46 countries, and is wanted dead on 234 fbi lists.
My friend Owen does an amazing Donald Duck voice lol good job!
The fool thinks hiding behind that tree will save him! (Look at my profile)
But I’m 6’3… possibly 6’4 depending on shoeware
Pretty nice drawing lol, though funnily I’m not even kidding about the height!
A lot of my American friends are around that height, that's just the land of the tall people
Nah it ain’t that bad *eats lemon*
*Turns into a shriveled mess*
Ah yes
Really nice art! But I’d recommend you turn it to T due to the blood, just for safe measures.
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22