This looks awesome! I found you via @kittyhawkmontrose after she checked out some of the music I make! Mainly the little show comic thing, but either way, I found you, you have been gifted a follow!
This looks awesome! I found you via @kittyhawkmontrose after she checked out some of the music I make! Mainly the little show comic thing, but either way, I found you, you have been gifted a follow!
Aw cheers. :) I don't log in that often so sorry if my replies and uploads are pretty slow but hey welcome \o/
“Give it everything you got! My body is ready! Woo” - Prof. Kukui
If you know you know
i do know
I’d put this a T, since drunkardness isn’t the worse thing ever.
Also lol
lololo yeah
Pain? Aren’t you a ghost?
Pain is subjective, obviously :))))
I’ll see how their music is! I bet it’s good!
Dieswyx brings the PHASS AND PHONK!
Oh my god I have memories of playing this game holy shit thank you for making this
No problem. ^-^
Average mindset of a newgrounder
For real, for real
I have no regrets for checking out ur art!
That is good to hear, thanks!
The last image is the most detail I’ve ever seen in your art lol
Hehe, the only details they need! XD
They continue to stare… for that is all they can do
Also I agree, wamy makes good shit!
Glad you agree! Wamy is awesome!! 💖
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22