It has potential! Keep cooking and I’m sure you’ll make it big! Practice is perfect!
It has potential! Keep cooking and I’m sure you’ll make it big! Practice is perfect!
Bro you did CloudFloater before it was even cool! 💀🔥🙏🥶
Awesome song nonetheless, good job! It also reminds me of a waterflame song I can’t seem to remember the name of, I want to say sky maneuvers but I doubt that’s it, it’s probably some skyworld song he made…
Also that fucking violin made me cry 😭, awesome job on this, deserves frontpage!
Edit: I think Rave hearts inspired this!
Tysm! <3
I think Jumper 2 and some songs from Preds' "Monolith" inspired it haha, but some of the sounds I used are from the same plugin as the Welkin songs (like the bass, and the lead at 0:50). In retrospect this is some of my proudest work, and I want to make more like it!
Why you scared?
Anything is possible is also a negative statement?
Romantic much!
Really cool!
Very interesting name… I like the idea, as well as the sorta Chinese feel.
Instruments and vocal samples are cool, great job! Though I can’t help I’ve heard the vocals somewhere.
It’s definitely different… also why is everyone scared?
Ive always liked yanderes
Not exactly my style, but this sounds awesome!
Again, really like it! I also just realized we uploaded basically opposite tracks. You made something chill, I made a rock song based after war.
Very strange, the start reminds me of Spaze
Good job (Sorry I speak English, Russian translate below (used google translate))
Очень странно, начало напоминает Spaze
Хорошая работа (извините, я говорю по-английски)
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22