Amazing story, my voice weirdly goes quite well with it… also the music ain’t too bad either
Edit: Ah for thy force that calls upon, a crystal of ultimatum and power, we traverse the cosmos by very wheel, for there is a fate we must seal. Not one single individual can stop a calamity, niether two, but the ships we sent shall preserve the end, for a new beginning shall be awakened.
Noice mate
When your girl says she wants to show you something (it’s this track)
Nice job mate, I absolutely love the second half for some reason, but the whole song is great! Also, I found out a way to make dubstep, or the closest I can, so I’ll be releasing that soon (;
Nice job as always mate!
thank you so much! haha, i must hear your flavour of "the dubstep"! i feel some of your work already tinges a little on that territory!
Why is there 2?
this for real reminds me of your Welkin series, lovin it!!!!
2 stars! It’s not that bad!! Is it?
Ay mate… good try for first dubstep
The first zoftle song, wow
I posted a song known as -The Stroph- recently, this kinda reminds me of that song no joke
Awesome job as always!
Say, how’s that song I sent you coming along?
oh no! the wires must be crossed! thanks as always! sorry it is taking so long to get back to you on your song; i have kind of hit a wall in regards to it, and had to move on to other projects. it's still something i have on my docket though!
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22