You made it this far, only a few more feet….
You made it this far, only a few more feet….
Hooray, I was able to get there!
This can’t be your absolute first song can it! It’s really good! A bit repetitive, but really good! It sorta sounds a bit like a pad DJ Nate would use! Really good work!
Edit: @Unimportance
No, I started writing music in 2013
This is far from the first track
Just that alone gives you brownie points, cause I hear breakcore everywhere man 😭
That aside, I love the way it sounds, and it sounds much like your most recent track! But it’s less industrial. It sorta sounds like Relentless - Waterflame if you think about it!
It is a little bit repetitive, but it is very nice to listen to! I like the drum beat and bass line, as well as those transitions!
Deserves frontpage, somehow hasn’t got it!
I don't understand why my music is being compared to Waterflame..
This song isn’t that important
It’s unimportant
Ok, puns aside
Really neat! My only problem is the overuse of mechanical Sfx, and the bass is a bit unfitting. This definitely fits the industrial section and has huge reminders of Heavy Machine Rhythm - Waterflame to me!
The vocal hooks are also interesting, I like it when ethnic vocals are used and you used them very well!
Congrats on the frontpage! Pretty deserving if you ask me! :D
ahahah.. The bass is really terrible here.
Anyway, it's a rofl track :)
Extremely lovely work!
The fact your frontpaged without a whitelist just says “underrated”
Amazing work! I am also practicing chiptune and applying it into more tracks I do! Good luck my dude! Enjoy newgrounds! :D
Thanks! Hopefully a mod sees soon :0
This sounds more like industrial! Industrial VGM to be exact! I thought you were an indie artist lol! And as you may know, I don’t make lofi ;)
i make anything i can think of and usually don't stick to a genre
yeah this does have Industrial/ video game vibes .. also a little dubsteppy but i felt it was experimental as it breaks a lot of rule and the final work will have lyrics... its also detuned so it falls outside of the industry tunning frequency
Oh no lofi? i say mate, you should make a song about that ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Congrats on the frontpage :D
Thank you!
Not bad!
Your comment is better than this song
It sorta reminds me of thefatrat! Amazing work!
haha; thanks!
Popcorn but you broke the fucking microwave by buying a brand of popcorn from the black market.
I like the idea of a hardstyle popcorn song! But this version could’ve been put a bit better. It needs to be both melodic in some way sorta like 1:49, or you could reverb the hardstyle bass. It also requires a bit more mixing so that way it doesn’t blow the eardrums out. The synth itself playing the melody at the beginning could have definitely been replaced. The ending to the song is my fave part due to its epic synth thing. Pop… pop… ppppppppppppppppp
In the end is feels how blast shock, friend
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22