Not bad, it sorta reminds me of Pokémon actually, imagine if after defeating arceus this plays and you see he has a giant ah farm lol!
Really good job!
Not bad, it sorta reminds me of Pokémon actually, imagine if after defeating arceus this plays and you see he has a giant ah farm lol!
Really good job!
Thank you!
Wow! Never really check out your stuff, but I may just have to start seeing what you make more often. Swing is a bit off, but only by a little.
Good job man!
Thank you =] and yes there's quite the drift (I've sampled the swinging beat from Soul II Soul's "Keep on Moving" and for some reason the bpm couldn't keep up)
Not really techno, but more like industrial
Also some of the vocals just seem… off, that’s all.
To each their own. Check out some of my other stuff it's all pretty varied and I rarely use my own vocals
Blud up to something mischievous 💀
wait til the sequel
Least epic Rad Tunez track (It’s beyond epic)
it was epic! 🔥
My favorite music artist also made a song called Sunrise! It’s his first actually!
Love the song btw!
haha; that's way better than my early attempts! thank you as always!
Believing in God isn’t corny, you wanna know how I know? It’s from the greatest source one could have…
Trust me bro
you the man, more music soon <3
Good job, reminds me of Spazes song Family at the beginning for some reason.
Found you through ProEpic507
Woah, I've never had someone find me through Pro lolll! Thanks a lot though, it does kind of remind me of Spaze - Family lol
Westnote Inspired!
That's what I was going for
and thanks for the review
Feels a bit too compressed and it has an over use of filters. But I’m sure you’ll get better with practice!
I have! Made it 2 years ago. Thanks tho
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22