Goes into Frontpaged
Sees this
Oh, it’s just G2961 getting 7000000 fans again, no biggy!
(but seriously, I’m starting to think the mods just don’t see me as frontpage worthy because of what I use to make music.)
Edit: @g2961 but here’s the thing, I NEVER make it to frontpage, and the one time I did, I made a overly big inspiration list to go with it, hence it’s practically impossible for me not to get frontpaged. You make a song and it’s basically a 50% chance it’s gonna get frontpaged! I make a song, and it’s like the mods don’t even see it, I just wonder why my stuff never gets frontpaged without having to collab with Wilidacious, but yet I see songs on their with horrible mixing and other flaws, but yet they will get frontpaged in an instant! I’m just wondering what I’m doing wrong, so I’m deciding not to mention Fl studio mobile to see if that changes something.
The inspiration list was huge, of course it was gonna get frontpaged, I’m talking a normal song, like Til the end, or merriment. @g2961