Hi there
You definitely got the right guy if the job!
To wil:
AWESOME JOB! I swear you’re unconsciously being inspired by my works! Good job as always! Oh, and thanks for checking out my song Limitless! If you wanna know an old classic song of mine, look for my song Whoop Snoop! I think you might like it… maybe
haha; maybe so! i think i remember the whoop snoop? i'll have to check it out again for validation!
Metal pipe payed me 9999999999 moneys to put him in this song.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (SpongeBob slamming door Sfx) that’s your name right?
Yep! That's my name!
Nice man!
Thank you!
Good job man! I like this in the collab as much as I like it here!
It sounds like a playtime theme I would play to some kindergartners! It’s fun!
Amazing job, 5 stars!
Thanks so much for the review, CF24! And yeah, cutesy "playtime" sort of sound was the goal. :)
I woke up at 5 in the morning for this 💀
But EVERYONE HAS DONE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL MUSIC I CANNOT IMAGINE. Wow. I’m glad I got up and listened to everyone’s talent, may they all have good days! Also @TeffyD you forgot to add @LBNewgrounds, as well as misspelling charlmots name.
I got feelings of shopping, finding hidden floors, space malls(cough, @charlmot), cough, check him out, cough) getting a whole shopping cart thrown at you… yeah. Either way! AMAZING JOB EVERYONE, AND TEFFY FOR THE AMBIENCE AND PRODUCTION!!
Good job everyone, I followed everyone!
Awesome fact: Collabs like this could make other people in this collab, collab with other people in this collab!
I hope the collab was worth the lost amount of sleep lol!
I don't exactly understand your last sentence though ._.
@YoannBB, Yeah, it was worth it! What i mean is that this collab, could potentially create sparks for new collabs by all the same people.
If you speak math: This collab + Participants= New collabs made by said participants.
The start needs a bit of work, but it’s not bad!
True, i will rework my intros on mu future songs.
I appreciate your feedbacks, dude ! Thx a lot !
7 minutes of…
I don’t even know… I’d call this genre miscellaneous… or ambient.
The start reminds me of the hall of origin from Pokémon in a way, in fact! I like the start so much that I feel you should extend and make a 3 minute song of nothing but the start, it sounds so weird and awesome. That’s just me tho.
If I had to say my weirdest track, probably -Television-. I’m even working on a full EP because it’s just that strange. I got a lot of inspiration from ‘The (Coronation Day), Super Mario world Romhack. But good job on this! I really like it!
I can kind of see the link with -Television- actually. Long intro that is really weird then the song stops being as oppressive and you have a melody! Good job on it, the vibe is unparalleled ._.
This is very different the waterflame, it has an authentic feel to it, or atleast the atart does! And that drop is more like MDK then waterflame ever is!
Thank you! The "Venture" album version of this track is way cleaner I'd say, and it’s extended and has more developement. Might upload to Newgrounds some day!
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22