This is a very weird music, an unknown genre!
Frixypop I’d call this! Or Frixyhouse!
This is a very weird music, an unknown genre!
Frixypop I’d call this! Or Frixyhouse!
personally i've just been calling it 'pastel house'
im glad i'm making weird music, that is my life goal
Really reminds me of waterflame artists such as myself… good job!
Thanks a lot!
Creeperforce24: Shit at music
Has 118 fans
Johassa: Boss at music
Basically another waterflame
Probably funny
Has less then 30 fans
I appreciate the kind words! <3
I'm assuming it's just self depricating humor but don't put yourself down dude you make good music, I dig CloudFloater for example. And the fact that you do it all in FL Studio Mobile is insane. I could never make anything good in that app I've tried hahah
Also consistency is key, and you're extremely active - meanwhile I struggle to upload even one track per month lol. You deserve it! :D
Not bad man! Not bad!
Thanks, man! Thanks!
Nice jobs, Galaxy Gumbos sound like something I’d buy at Winco or something. But this is super cool, I have also made a space song called Turbo Millenium, I suggest you check it out since you seem to like space! :D
I'll check it out! Thank you! :D
I can literally hear the me in the start!
Good job man, I guess this is how it feels when you use adobe express!
Again, nice job, and I have a feeling I’m having an influence on you, if I am then soon enough we might just have to share the same name lol!
Good job, loving it!
haha; thanks!
Huh, what a coincidence, my first song uploaded was named Mossy Grotto (It sucks ass, and when I say ass, I MEAN IT, IT FUCKING STINKS)
But this is good unlike it! Nice job! Also, I think you’re starting to get a little bit more of my style of music! Sorta like if I made synthwave (that is actually good that is)
Also, check ur messages, I got a little thing I wanna show you!
haha; aren't all of our first songs a bit green around the gills? it looks like you have been busy! i'll check it out when i get a moment! thank you as always!
Not exactly your best work… (in my opinion)
I appreciate the feedback! I agree, i feel like ive improved since this was released
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22