Atmospheric DnB, I have a feeling that’s hard to pull off, so I’m impressed.
Though I love the vocals, I have a feeling they could be more damp, more quiet on the ears. But this sounds great and I bet there’s lord behind it.
Atmospheric DnB, I have a feeling that’s hard to pull off, so I’m impressed.
Though I love the vocals, I have a feeling they could be more damp, more quiet on the ears. But this sounds great and I bet there’s lord behind it.
Thank you very much! <3
I too has also participated in AIM!
Mine is called The water sound (:
But I like the piano at first, but to me it sounds weird after that but then the drums come in and help it, though is this indie?
This isn’t what I’d expect indie to sound like!
Thanks! Haha I suppose it isn't exactly indie, maybe pop? But also, indie just stands for "independent", so is there really a sound that you need to match to fit into the label, or does the method of making something independently classify you as "indie", regardless of the sound? Who knows.
This would be how it sounds!!!!!
Nice job, I like the little semi vocal rhythm you have going in the background at some parts!!
Thank you!
Wow, this sounds like if waterflame didn’t mind repeated beats. Great job, I also made my first AIM song, I suppose you know what AIM means.
Yo this sounds calming, wait what am I saying? It’s you for gods sake.
I have a question, I’m making a song called full reset, do you believe you could send me a drum loop, or melodic loop, or Sfx.
I feel as if you got some I might want to use, thank you!
Also this literally reminds me of swimming,
Though I would fix the ending a little, you want your audience to hear the whole reverb, but not nothing.
thanks! i can send you something, please dm me with some details of what you are looking for and i'll see what i can do!
X-500; google definition
Basically Waterflame 5
People also searched;
Waterflame, Creeperforce24, Everyone, hyenaedon, predator, hypervolt, Çoñtįñúę
Nice guys!
A very O-k soundtrack
i am still amazed people find this one! feels like a lifetime ago, haha ;)
If it was a little sped up, I’d mistake it for a mariokart track theme. Probably wild woods or that dragon coarse.
The bells sound amazing, and that flute I think it is is phenomenal. Amazing job!!!
Nice job!!! Also I made something you might like, my first AIM (Art inspired music) song, The Water Sound!!! I bet you’ll find something nice outta it. So please give a review on it, I hope you like it.
thanks! i feel like the mario kart and mother soundtracks are always lingering subliminally in my head somewhere, haha.
I love this, also I recently discovered your palaces, And honestly I kinda wanna learn your style as best as I can, though I used fl studio mobile, I may be able to crack up something. Also thank you for being a fan, if you do listen to my tracks that is lol.
Honestly, as of 2022-2023, your probably in my top 5 artists
1. Waterflame
2. Predator
3. Wilidacious
4. X-500
5. Hyenaedon
The only reason your not number 1 is cause I’ve known waterflame since 6-7 years old(I’m 15) and predator is like the dlc of waterflame. So if it was of 2023 only
It’s look more like this!
1. Predator
2. Wilidacious
3. Hyenaedon
4. Hookington
5. Hypervolt
Your an awesome artist and keep doing what you do!!!!
thank you! i'm quite flattered! i look forward to hearing more of your work!
Ay did you quit making music?
I haven’t heard any new tracks of yours.
Nope, just working away on multiple projects at once so it's takin' awhile. Hoping to get an album out this year though! Maybe a few singles before that if I can find the time =}
Im a creeper, Minecraft’s grim reaper
Retarded Composer
A very dark cave
Joined on 8/19/22