For the first half of the song, it just felt like it was looping the same melody and layering over and over again. I like the use of the instruments, even if the brass they are a bit dry. The second half does really well adding more variety to the song, new melodies and rhythms! The brass is a bit dry as I said, but it’s still really well placed, and just needs some wetness or bass to it, or maybe a replacement instrument. Melodies are quite nice as well! Though I also have to say that the drums may be a tad to high volume, maybe turn it down or lower its velocity.
I love the vibe of it, it sounds really nice, though it could use better transitions, the repetitiveness allows the song to be pretty good on its own, I’m mainly talking about the parts where the brass comes in.
Good work, and keep forth! This is nice, and congrats on the frontpage!
I also love your name, TheDecentGamers… although this is more then decent, it’s still a nice name!